
Das Pollentagebuch: Kostenloser Service für Pollenallergiker in Deutschland!

Internet-Tagebuch ermöglicht europaweit neue Erkenntnisse über Pollenflug

Eine bisher weitgehend ungeklärte Frage betrifft die Bestimmung sogenannter Schwellenwerte bei Pollenallergikern. Das ist die Zahl an Pollen in der Luft, die bei Patienten mit Heuschnupfen oder Pollenasthma allergische Beschwerden auslösen. Das Online-Pollentagebuch macht eine europaweite Erfassung von Patientensymptomen in Verbindung mit der Stärke des regionalen Pollenflugs möglich - und erlaubt hochinteressante Antworten.

Zum Online-Pollentagebuch

The patient’s hay-fever diary: three years of results from Germany
K. Karatzas, D. Voukantsis, S. Jaeger, U. Berger, M. Smith, O. Brandt, T. Zuberbier & K. Ch. Bergman

Aerobiologia International Journal of Aerobiology - including the online journal `Physical Aerobiology', ISSN 0393-5965, Volume 30, Number 1, Aerobiologia (2014) 30:1-11, DOI 10.1007/s10453-013-9303-5

Abstract. The patient’s hay-fever diary (PHD) is a newly developed, internet-based tool for self-documentation of pollen-induced symptoms (eyes, nose and airways), general well-being and medication use. In Germany, more than 1,600 users made over 60,500 reports in 3 years (2009–2011). An analysis of these reports reveal that the nose symptom ‘‘sneezing’’ is the most commonly reported (3/10 of reports), followed by eye symptom ‘‘itching’’ and nose ‘‘blocked’’. In addition, medication use follows a similar pattern every year, with tablets being the most commonly used medication type (up to 60 % of the reports made in the years 2009 and 2011). Temporal variations in overall symptoms and organ-specific symptom scores are found to be associated with atmospheric concentrations of birch and grass pollen. Data from the PHD can be analysed with the aid of various mathematical methods and may provide information about symptoms and their severity for pollen-allergic sufferers.They may also be valuable for clinical studies inimmunotherapy with pollen extracts.