From fossil palynology to modern aerobiology and building the bridge with pollen allergy science
26th-28th of October 2017, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Visit the the first come-together of Palynology, Aerobiology and Allergy science!
You can download the preliminary program here. You are cordially invited to share this program with your research groups, students and colleagues. Note that there are still slots for posters as a possibility to present your research with a deadline for application until 28th of August 2017.
Note that there is no registration fee to encourage especially young scientists to join the Symposium.
Please fill in the registration form and send it to PAAS2017(a)polleninfo.org until 28th of August 2017.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Vienna, the initiator of PAAS 2017 Carmi Geller-Bernstein and the scientific and organizing committee.